What exactly would we look if we were purchasing a flat or house?

(Apart from – Difference Between Carpet, Built-Up and Super Built area)

Definitely, we would pay attention to how many bedrooms, toilets & other rooms are there. That’s what exactly the term “BHK” denotes. 

BHK Full-Form – Bedroom, Hall & Kitchen

BHK is nothing but a short form of Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen. It is a notation real estate experts used to identify the type of flat. 

When you see 1 BHK flat, it means that the flat has 1 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen. According to the flat, it will be denoted as 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 2.5 BHK, 1RK, 4 BHK etc.

Typical Flat plan

Note – There is no rule that you should build as per standard size. It represents the minimum space requirement for that type of flat.

Notation Standard Size BHK Full-Form Explanation
1 BHK 400 – 500 Sq.ft 1 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen

Typical flat with 1 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen

2 BHK 850-1000 Sq.ft 2 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen

Typical flat with 2 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen.

1 Master Bedroom with attached toilet and 1 Bedroom at standard size.

3 BHK 1200 – 1500 Sq. ft. 3 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen

Typical flat with 3 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen.

2 Master Bedroom with attached toilets and 1 Bedroom at standard size. 

4 BHK Above 2200 sq. ft 4 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen

Typical flat with 3 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen.

3 Master Bedroom with attached toilets and 1 Bedroom at standard size.

2.5 BHK Above 950 Sq.ft 2.5 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen

Typical flat with 2 standard size bedrooms, 0.5 represents the bedroom size will be below the standard size, so we can use it as a library or study as per our requirement.

1 RK 400-500 Sq.Ft 1 Room & 1 Kitchen

Studio Apartments comes in this form of flat. 1 Room & 1 Kitchen. The room will be combined with a living room, dining, & bedroom. No Privacy walls between the rooms. Except for the toilet.

2 BHK 2T Above 1000 Sq.ft 2 Bedroom, 1 Hall, 1 Kitchen & 2 Toilets

Typical flat with 2 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen. 2 Master Bedroom with attached toilets. Along with 2 Common Toilets.

3 BHK 2T Above 1350 Sq.ft 3 Bedroom, 1 Hall, 1 Kitchen & 2 Toilets

Typical flat with 3 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen. 2 Master Bedroom with attached toilets and 1 Bedroom at standard size. Along with 2 Common Toilets

3 BHK 3T Above 1500 Sq.ft 3 Bedroom, 1 Hall, 1 Kitchen & 3 Toilets

Typical flat with 3 Bedroom, 1 Hall & 1 Kitchen. 2 Master Bedroom with attached toilets and 1 Bedroom at standard size. Along with 3 Common Toilets

Happy Learning 🙂


Bala is a Planning Engineer & he is the author and editor of Civil Planets.

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